
On the third Sunday of each month, “Chalice Circle Sunday,” Religious Exploration classes are held at 10 AM (before the worship service) for multiple age groups:
- Elementary classes (grades K-4)
- Coming-of-age classes (grades 5-8)
- Teen/Adult discussions
Occasional multi-generational activities will be planned on Chalice Circle Sundays.
Weekly worship services are at 11 AM each Sunday, in person at the UUCNC meetinghouse (222 Temple St., Fredonia) and live streamed on the Zoom platform. Consult our online calendar for up-to-date information and links to our worship services.
Our services celebrate life, as well as acknowledging the struggles we encounter personally and in our larger world. They honor and use as a guide a variety of spiritual understandings and traditions, including earth-based, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, humanist, and other world religions. Worship services tend to follow a traditional Protestant format with readings from a variety of spiritual sources, singing, and a sermon based on a variety of topics and drawing from a range of spiritual traditions — although we do have services that are an exception to this, such as our annual music service.
During worship services, childcare is available in our nursery. The nursery is well-lit and stocked with toys and art supplies, with a viewing window for parents to check on their child(ren).