Our Ministry
We minister to each other
Members and friends of the congregation minister to each other, as we build among and beyond ourselves a caring and compassionate community. Through our Soul Matters groups and affinity groups, classes and projects we get to know one another more deeply and offer support and caring through all life brings us.
The Caring Circle helps celebrate the joys of UUCNC’s members and friends and connects members and friends in need with congregants who can suggest resources and/or provide assistance.
If someone in our congregation has a special joy or is having a difficult time, please leave voice mail at 716 679-7944, and your message will be relayed to the Caring Circle. To find agencies able to help beyond the scope of the Caring Circle members, call New York Connects at (716) 753-4582 or visit http://chautauqua.ny.us/234/Chautauqua-County-NY-Connects, or call 2-1-1 or visit http://www.211.org.
Learn more about the Caring Circle under the Governance tab > Committees.

UUCNC is a Welcoming Congregation.
This designation underscores our commitment as a congregation to work hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are full members of our faith community. We strive for radical inclusion, creating spaces that honor every part of our identities, backgrounds, and experiences.
Many UUCNC members and friends have signed this Statement on Racial Justice:

We, the undersigned members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua, believe that Black Lives Matter. The suffering caused by racism must end if we want to create fair and loving communities. We strive to end racial discrimination, starting within ourselves and moving out into the world around us. We advocate for eliminating racist policies such as mass imprisonment and attacks on voting rights. We support racial justice and efforts to build a peaceful, restorative culture, where race has no bearing on economic opportunities or legal protections. We acknowledge that white supremacy devalues and dehumanizes people of color. Therefore, we commit ourselves to the difficult work of personal and societal change as allies under the leadership of people of color.
We minister to the world
The Social Action Committee (SAC) encourages individuals to participate in activities in our local and global communities which promote social justice and opportunity for all people. SAC meetings are open to all who are interested. When we return to in-person worship, displays at Sunday morning worship services give individuals an opportunity to learn more about a variety of issues, both local and global.
Your personal ministry
If your personal interests and ministry suggest participation in any of our committees, affinity groups, study sessions or other opportunities, please speak with the committee or affinity group chair, or with any board member.

About our contract minister
Reverend Ronald Skowronski is our one-third time contract minister, succeeding Reverend Sally Hamlin after her retirement in July 2023.
Reverend Ron leads one worship service each month, and he may lead workshops, discussions or other events. For dates and times, see the online calendar.
Reverend Ron holds office hours most Wednesday afternoons (see the online calendar), when he is available for individual consultation and meetings by appointment. Call or text Reverend Ron directly, or use the information at the Contact Us tab above if you wish to meet with him.
Reverend Skowronski is an ordained minister of over 40 years. He was first ordained in 1981 through the Morris Pratt Institute of the Spiritualist Church. In 1990 he withdrew from the Spiritualist Church and in 1999 was ordained again through the United Church of Religious Science (New Thought). Among Reverend Skowronski’s many ministerial duties and accomplishments, he served as a board member for the National Association of Spiritualist Churches from 1980-91, ministered the Plymouth Spiritualist Church 1980-90, and founded and ministered the United Religious Science Church of Rochester, New York, from 1998 to 2003. While Reverend Skowronski’s background is in the Spiritualist and Religious Science traditions, he has been actively involved in the Unitarian Universalist church for over a decade.
Reverend Skowronski’s appointment culminates a seven-month process that followed guidelines and a search system set up by the Unitarian Universalist Association. Our sincere thanks go to the Ministerial Search Committee for their efforts to locate a professional minister to serve our congregation.