Chalice Circles: Sunday, January 19, 10 AM: Religious Exploration for all ages, K-adult. Details on the online calendar.

Tai Chi classes: Wednesdays, January 22 & 29, 3:30-4 PM Details on the online calendar and at the News & Events tab above. January 15 class is canceled due to weather.

Learn about upcoming events on the online calendar.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. — Maya Angelou

New Year Revolution

In 1970, the great singer, Cat Stevens, released a stirring song called “Where Do the Children Play?” It has always been a favorite of mine. 

I am aware that folks expect a few words of wisdom and encouragement to “kick off” the New Year. I could rattle off one or more of our Seven Principles and encourage us to take them with renewed seriousness. So why do I drag up an old tune to begin this reflection?

It is very simple, really. As I started thinking about this micro-message, I was listening to the radio. This song was played, then like a crack of thunder, the news came forth…another mass shooting! Gandhi once stated that you can determine the character of a nation by how it treats its animals. I want to amend that statement. I believe that you can determine the character of a nation by how it treats the children!

Why is it OK to apparently do nothing, year after year…while it appears that, as a nation, we have declared “open season” on our most precious souls? It numbs the imagination. The Christian Apologist, Thomas Aquinas, said of humanity, “We are but rational animals.” With this kind of realization, it makes one wonder if he was too generous using the term “rational.”

So, what is my point? I encourage you to forget making any New Year Resolutions. In my view, we need to make a New Year Revolution! I encourage those who are inclined to declare 2025 as The Year of Our Children. It will be a year that we must re-double and re-triple every means at our disposal to once and for all eliminate gun violence—especially protecting children—in our nation. I can think of no more important issue to spearhead this year.

It is only rational that we want all children to play in absolute safety and peace.

If we continue to not rise to this issue…then all of our preaching will have been in vain.

At your Service,
Rev. Ron