Vision & Mission

Vision 222
To be a vibrant, welcoming, multigenerational, diverse community enlivened by the power of radical love.
Mission Statement 222
We are a congregation that nurtures acceptance, spirituality, and growth while guided by Unitarian Universalist Principles. We provide a place where people engage together through fellowship, celebration, social outreach, environmental action, and transformative justice.
Members of the congregation and the LOFT 222* (Learning Our Future Together 222) strategic planning team are continuing their work on the five-year strategic plan, by determining objectives, goals, actions to be taken, and identifying resources necessary to meet those objectives.
Starting in Summer 2020, the LOFT 222 team, in concert with the Executive Board and volunteer collaborators from the congregation, led a series of virtual workshops in which members and friends shared their personal visions and dreams for the next five years. After consolidating these visions with further input from congregants, the LOFT team developed carefully defined, concise, and focused statements that reflect what the congregation wants to mean to the community for the next five years, for what it wishes to be known, and in what ways our vision leads us in service toward others in the broader community.
*The designation “222” refers to our beloved meetinghouse at 222 Temple Street, Fredonia NY.