Social Action: Ongoing
Scroll down for information on our 2024-25 collection of personal care items for the Silver Creek Food Pantry, our ongoing collection of returnable cans/bottles, and recycling computer ink cartridges.
Share the Plate

Each month, September through June, we Share the Plate with an organization that aligns with UU principles. 100% of the non-pledge money received on the designated “Share the Plate” Sunday, is given to the chosen agency. Please make your check payable to UUCNC, with “Share the Plate” on the memo line. Of course, your cash contribution is also welcome. Or make a donation at any time through our secure PayPal account linked below. All Share the Plate gifts received throughout the month will be combined and a single UUCNC check sent to the recipient organization.
Share the Plate donations are accepted at
These are the 2024-25 recipient organizations:
- September: Chautauqua Blind Assocation vision rehabilitation services
- October: COPE Foundation
- November: Chautauqua County Rural Ministry, plus a food drive for Thanksgiving baskets
- December: Literacy Volunteers of Chautauqua County
- January: UUCNC’s Minister’s Discretionary Fund
- February: New Neighbors Coalition
- March (note change): Center for Elder Law & Justice
- April (note change): UU Service Committee (UUSC) in recognition of Justice Sunday
- May: Fredonia Honduras Medical Brigades
- June: Adult Learning Initiatives & Workplace Development
On Share the Plate Sunday — September 8, and starting in October the first Sunday of each month — we give the entire offering, less any gifts marked for pledges, to the recipient organization.

Personal care items for Silver Creek Food Pantry
UUCNC is again collecting personal care items for distribution at the Silver Creek Food Pantry in 2024-25. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) does not provide the self-care items that we all need. Some people come to the food pantry asking for items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, feminine hygiene supplies and baby supplies.
We gratefully accept any personal care items as well as laundry detergent, which is in great demand. Deliver items on any Sunday morning or at other events. Thank you for supporting our neighbors in need.
Supporting the Food Pantry of Chautauqua County Rural Ministry

The Executive Board is again sponsoring an ongoing collection for the Food Pantry of the Chautauqua County Rural Ministry in 2024-25. There will be a collection basket at the meetinghouse. Particularly needed are:
- Canned fruits and vegetables
- Canned tuna
- Pasta and sauce
- Soups
- Paper or plastic bags
Deliver items on any Sunday morning or at other events.

Please donate your deposit cans and bottles!
Cash for Cans at 9504 NY-60, Fredonia, NY (on Route 60 just north of Route 83, large garage with a bright green roof, on the left coming from Route 20) continues to keep a tab for this ongoing fundraiser. Just drop off your deposit cans and bottles and tell them it’s for the UU Youth.
Please sort returnable plastic, glass, and cans into separate bags/cartons.
Call ahead to check when Cash for Cans will be open: 716 672-2274

Recycle ink cartridges
The Social Action Committee is collecting spent ink cartridges for recycling.
Please save ink cartridges until they can be delivered to our meetinghouse at 222 Temple St., Fredonia. Thank you.